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Let us help you.

KBB 8 Star


All of us at Hyundai are working to deliver exceptional customer service and complete owner satisfaction. While we take pride in our brand and are committed to always improving vehicle quality, technology, and service, we understand that sometimes problems can arise. If they do, we want to be the first to help.

If you’ve had unsatisfactory service, have concerns about your warranty, need to issue a complaint about your vehicle, or have received a solicitation letter from a lemon law attorney, please let us know. While you may have considered contacting the Better Business Bureau (BBB), lemon law attorneys or your state’s Attorney General, our Customer Care Department is here to address any concern you might have—no issue is too big or too small.

Our goal is to give you one-on-one, personalized service and provide you with the best possible solution in the shortest amount of time. That’s our commitment to you.

California Code of Civil Procedure 871.24 Written Notice Requirement

At least 30 days prior to the commencement of an action seeking civil penalties under subdivision (c) of Section 1794 of the Civil Code, the consumer shall send notice in writing to either CAWrittenNotice@hmausa.com or by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested to P.O. Box 8010, Fountain Valley, CA 92728. At the time the notice is sent, the consumer must have possession of the motor vehicle. The notice must contain all of the following:


(1) Notify the manufacturer of the consumer’s name, the accurate Vehicle Identification Number (“VIN”) of the motor vehicle, and a brief summary of the repair history and problems with the motor vehicle.


(2) Demand that the manufacturer repurchase or replace the motor vehicle.

Código de Procedimiento Civil de California 871.24 Requisito de Notificación por Escrito

Al menos 30 días antes del inicio de una acción que busca sanciones civiles según la subdivisión (c) de la Sección 1794 del Código Civil, el consumidor debe deberá enviar una notificación por escrito a CAWrittenNotice@hmausa.com o por correo certificado o registrado, con acuse de recibo solicitado al P.O. Box 8010, Fountain Valley, CA 92728. Al momento de enviar el aviso, el consumidor debe deberá tener posesión del vehículo de motor. El aviso debe contener todo lo siguiente:


(1) Notificar al fabricante el nombre del consumidor, el Número de identificación del vehículo (“VIN”) exacto del vehículo de motor y un breve resumen del historial de reparaciones y los problemas con el vehículo de motor.


(2) Exigir que el fabricante recompre o reemplace el vehículo de motor.